‘Literary Giants Trail’ - Literature in Oxford
This tour will give you a comprehensive idea of the literature emerging from Oxford. We will discuss such themes as Fantasy - as in Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, Romanticism - as in Oscar Wilde and Percy Shelley, as well as Modernism - as in TS Eliot.
Oxford Trails
‘Inklings Trail’ - CS Lewis, JRR Tolkein, + more
The Inklings is arguably the most influential literary group of all time. Predominantly, we will focus on C.S Lewis, author of the monumental Chronicles of Narnia, and JRR Tolkien, author of the also epoch-changing Lord of the Rings.
‘Crazy ideas Trail’ - Philosophy in Oxford
This tour will give you a comprehensive idea of philosophy in Oxford. We will discuss such figures as John Locke of Christ Church college - the father of modern liberalism, Adam Smith - the creator of modern economics, as well as AJ Ayer, who pioneered logical positivism.
‘Literary Giants Trail - Literature in Cambridge
This tour will give you a comprehensive view on the literature of Cambridge. We will discuss Romanticism - namely, Wordsworth and Coleridge, Modernism - as in EM Forster and Virigina Woolf, and Feminism - found in the work of Sylvia Plath.
Cambridge Trails
‘Bloomsbury Group’ - Virginia Woolf + more
This tour is about the legendary writers, philosophers, artists and intellectuals forming the Bloomsbury Group, which changed the course of intellectual thought. Members included - Virginia Woolf, John Maynard Kenes, EM Forster, and many more.
‘Crazy ideas Trail’ - Philosophy in Cambridge
In this tour, we will discuss the philosophical ideas rooted in Cambridge. We touch on Isaac Newton's contributions to science, Thomas Hobbes's political philosophy, Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophy of language, and many more.